Skin Health Promotion Research Centre,SHPR
聯妤生化科技是符合聯合國永續發展目標SDGs第三項Good health and well-being 的化妝品製造業者,2016年成立皮膚健康促進研究中心( Skin Health Promotion Research Center,SHPR)建立國人膚質資料庫,致力於人類群體皮膚健康調查與研究,補足化粧品禁止使用臨床病理資料的缺口,SHPR不僅具有國際公共衛生專業,也是公共衞生師執行業務的第三方研究機構

Skin Aging
Taiwan Public Health 2020
The relationship between community air pollution and skin aging in Taipei City
Association between air pollution and skin aging in Taipei City communities
2019 Public Health Annual Conference
Research on the correlation between skin aging: taking communities in Taipei City as an example
This research result contributes to the sustainable development of SDGs3,11
2021 International European Health Promotion Annual Conference
IUHPE European Conference on Health Promotion
2021 ISEE 33th Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology
This research result contributes to the sustainable development of SDGs3,11

2023 ISEE 35th Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemicmiology, Environmental Health Perspectives.
Fu-Yu Chan (2023), Association between ambient fine particulate matter (PM10) and skin brown spots
This research result contributes to the sustainable development of SDGs3,11